KidRealm Camps
KidRealm Loudon
@Huzzah Hobbies

July 12-16

12:00 PM to 3:00 PM

$125/week (early registration)
$150/week (normal rate)

Calling all Castle Combat Generals! SuperSmash Champs! Minecraft Masters! Join KidRealm at Huzzah Hobbies as we play super fun games and learn new hobbies! Win exclusive Special Edition cards!

I understand that if I cancel my registration, I will be refunded half of my payment.
I understand that there are risks inherent in all activities included in KidRealm Camps. I have been advised to seek the advice of a medical doctor before my child participates in this program. I and my child/children agree to assume all risks of illness and injury resulting in participation in this program. I understand Huzzah Hobbies makes no representations as to the safety of this program for my child/children. I and my child/children waive and release Huzzah Hobbies, its agencies, its offices and employees from and against all claims for illness or injury resulting from participation in this program.
Emergency Contact
Camper 1

KidRealm Loudon (July 12-16)
Camper 2
Camper 3
almost there...