6040 Wilson Blvd, Arlington
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM
8am - 8:30am (FREE) & 3pm - 6pm ($75)
The KidRealm Counselor-in-Training Program (CIT) is a way for our 13-year-old and older FORMER KIDREALM CAMPERS to extend their years at our camps. We really appreciate the kids who come back and experience our camps from behind the scenes as counselors. We will teach them valuable skills which may lead to a paid position in our camps in the future. CIT’s will receive t-shirts and will be trained to organize games and activities, lead teams of campers in games and projects, and much more. We will have many fun opportunities for the CITs including tournaments and even special prizes. CITs must be 13 to 16 years old AND be a former KidRealm Camper.